Kuwait, Japan exchange notes for visa waiver for official passport holders 19/06/2023 – Kuwait News Agency

Kuwait, Japan exchange notes for visa waiver for official passport holders 19/06/2023 – Kuwait News Agency

Date : 19/06/2023

TOKYO, June 19 (KUNA) -- Kuwait and Japan have exchanged notes about the waiver of diplomatic and official visa requirements for diplomatic and official passport holders between the two countries, the Kuwaiti Embassy in Tokyo said Monday.
The notes were exchanged by Kuwaiti Ambassador to Japan Sami Al-Zamanan and Assistant Foreign Minister and Director-General for the Middle Eastern and African Bureau of the Japanese Foreign Ministry Kansuke Nagaoka, the embassy said in a statement to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA).
The agreement will be in effect 90 days after its entry into force, it said. The agreement is a major achievement for both countries, as it constitutes the first step towards working on the waiver of