Kuwait Rejects European Criticism: Don’t Interfere in Our Internal Affairs

Kuwait Rejects European Criticism: Don’t Interfere in Our Internal Affairs

Kuwait criticized what it labeled as interference in its internal affairs, and the Kuwaiti foreign minister called on EU countries to respect his country's laws and sovereignty, rejecting European disapproval regarding the recent implementation of the death penalty against seven convicts.

Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah expressed wishes that European countries would not “politicize” waiving Kuwait from the Schengen visa system, because the overall purpose of the waiver is to improve relations between the two sides.

On Thursday, the European Parliament postponed until further notice voting on applications to exempt citizens of Kuwait and Qatar from the Schengen visa requirement, which was scheduled in Brussels Thursday. The European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs did not disclose the reason behind the postponement.

“It is regrettable that despite raising this yesterday and having received assurances to the contrary, Kuwait went ahead with 7 executions today,” Margaritis Schinas, European Commission vice president for promoting the European way of life, said in a statement on Twitter.

Schinas said the European Union strongly opposes the death penalty and that the EU’s diplomatic service has summoned Kuwait’s ambassador to the EU in Brussels. The executions would be raised in discussions on the Commission’s proposal to put