‘Kuwait Sovereign’ one of 4 wealth funds in GCC

‘Kuwait Sovereign’ one of 4 wealth funds in GCC

The report added the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund managed by its Central Bank has assets of 1.33 trillion dollars and ranks first in the world, followed by the fund of the Chinese Investment Company with assets of 1.222 trillion dollars. These two funds are the only ones whose assets exceed the trillion dollar barrier among the funds. The other sovereign that made it to the list of the largest funds is the Kuwait Sovereign Wealth Fund of the Kuwait Investment Authority, as well as the funds affiliated with the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, the Investment Corporation of Dubai, the Singapore Government Investment Corporation, the Saudi Public Investment Fund and the Qatar Investment Authority.


The report said that the world’s 10 largest sovereign wealth funds, including major funds from the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, manage assets worth $7.4 trillion out of the total assets of $9.56 trillion owned by 100 sovereign wealth funds around the world. The report pointed out that the past few years have witnessed an increase in the assets managed by sovereign funds while more of these funds continue to appear every day, and we can also expect the total assets under management to increase globally.

However, what is interesting