Kuwait webs in grip of hackers – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS – Arab Times Kuwait English Daily

Kuwait webs in grip of hackers – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS – Arab Times Kuwait English Daily

Dark Web displays data on 887 sites

KUWAIT CITY, Jan 8: In what is seen as a serious incident that puts the country’s information security at stake, the Dark Web site, known for selling and trading in stolen data has taken everyone by surprise by displaying a huge set of data on Kuwaiti websites and destinations, reports Al-Qabas daily. The website revealed with proof that 887 Kuwaiti websites had fallen into the hands of vested interests and were hacked over the past days, and a huge amount of data and information, including more than 4,360 files. The hacked websites varied between government and private institution, working in the fields of various services, education, communications and online purchasing.

This electronic piracy surfaced days after the referral of the President of the Kuwait Society for Information Security, Safa’a Zaman, to the Criminal Court, against the backdrop of her Kuwait TV talk about the exposure of the state’s data and information to the risk of leakage and penetration, which was denied by the government through its spokesperson at the time, without taking any necessary measures to protect information security in the country.