Nations far apart as climate talks enter final week

Nations far apart as climate talks enter final week

GLASGOW: UN climate talks entered their final week yesterday with countries still worlds apart on key issues including how rapidly the world curbs carbon emissions and how to help nations already impacted by global heating. After a week of headline announcements from host Britain on ending deforestation and phasing out coal, experts say the underlying COP26 negotiations have barely progressed.

Countries are in Glasgow to work out how to implement the Paris Agreement’s goals of limiting temperature rises to between 1.5 and 2 degrees Celsius. And while recent announcements mean they have inched closer, many disputes remain unresolved. These include ratcheting up ambition on national carbon reduction plans, providing a long-promised $100 billion annually to developing nations and rules governing carbon markets.

“All countries are playing hardball,” Stephen Leonard, climate law and policy specialist and veteran COP observer told AFP. “The EU want the highest ambition possible. The African countries want as much finance for adaptation as possible. Australia and Japan want to be able to trade as much carbon as possible.”

Addressing the first formal “stocktake” yesterday of progress so far, COP26 President Alok Sharma said one week of technical negotiations had “already concluded some important issues that will drive accelerated climate