NBK organizes webinar on fraud schemes

NBK organizes webinar on fraud schemes

KUWAIT: National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) is keen to consolidate its leading position on social media platforms and precedence in keeping pace with them since they emerged. In that context, NBK launched its account on Clubhouse social media platform, making it the first bank in Kuwait to launch an account on the new audio-chat social media app.

NBK is constantly updating the content of its social media pages, with material related to educational and media awareness campaigns. In line with that, and as part of its ongoing support to the Central Bank of Kuwait's campaign "Let's be aware“, the bank organized a webinar on Clubhouse platform themed "Credit Cards and Latest Fraud Schemes“.

A group of banking executives participated in this webinar including Yousef Al-Majed, Chairman of Banking Cards Committee at Kuwait Banking Association (KBA), Abdul-Mohsen Al-Rushaid, Assistant General Manager of Communications Department at National Bank of Kuwait, Dina Al-Bader, AGM - Card Operations at National Bank of Kuwait, and Bashar Ibrahim, Executive Manager - Cards Operations Department at National Bank of Kuwait. The webinar witnessed remarkable interaction from followers of NBK's social media pages.

On this occasion, Farah Bastaki, Senior Manager - Communications Department at National Bank of Kuwait, said: "Our precedence