The 10 pitch deck slides you need to wow investors

The 10 pitch deck slides you need to wow investors

Dr. Mussaad M. Al-Razouki is the chief investment and business development officer of Kuwait Life Sciences Company. He has over 15 years of experience in venture capital and private equity investment with a focus on healthcare and technology

One of my favorite lectures during our Introduction to Entrepreneurship course at Columbia Business School was a session where our professor invited a venture capitalist to come speak about preparing a pitch deck. The venture capitalist started his own pitch by riffing that the best place to start working on a presentation was on a long transcontinental flight; spending the first hour trying to find the right slide template and the next couple of hours playing around with the colors and font. Of course creating a memorable pitch deck is all about creating an aide that will support you (the presenter, the storyteller) in delivering a memorable story about your venture. Remember, you are the main event, not the slides. 

In general, less is more, especially when you will likely have a limited time to present a few key slides. So naturally the trick is to keep things as simple as possible, and please stick to Google Slides or MS PowerPoint,