7 Quirky Lebanese Superstitions And Beliefs Passed Down Generations

7 Quirky Lebanese Superstitions And Beliefs Passed Down Generations

Lebanon’s cultural tapestry is interwoven with an array of quirky superstitions and beliefs that have transcended generations.

From warding off bad luck to seeking good fortune, these seven intriguing traditions offer a glimpse into the fascinating world of Lebanese folklore.

Evil Eye Charms for Protection

The belief in the evil eye’s malevolent influence has led to the popular use of talismans, often in the form of a blue eye, to ward off its negative effects. These charms are displayed in homes, worn as jewelry, and even pinned onto infants’ clothing for protection.

Salt Thrown Over Shoulders

Spilled salt is more than just a mess in Lebanon. It’s considered bad luck unless you immediately throw a pinch of it over your left shoulder to appease lurking spirits and reverse the misfortune.

Knocking on Wood to Avert Jinxes

The act of knocking on wood is taken seriously in Lebanon, with believers rapping their knuckles on any available wooden surface to counteract any perceived jinx or bad omen.

Shoes Placed Upside Down to Secure Good Luck

Placing shoes upside down is believed to ensure that good luck stays locked inside them. This practice is often followed before important events like exams or interviews.

Offering Bread to Prevent Arguments

To stave off disagreements and maintain