Dozens of port case lawsuits to be filed in Europe

Dozens of port case lawsuits to be filed in Europe

Dozens of lawsuits are being prepared to be filed in several European countries on behalf of the victims of the Beirut port explosion, a media report said.

The Nidaa al-Watan newspaper quoted a source from Accountability Now – which identifies itself as a Swiss foundation whose mission is to support the Lebanese civil society in its desire to put an end to the impunity of leaders – as saying that the lawsuits will be filed in Germany, France, Belgium, Croatia and the United Kingdom.

Accountability Now had on January 25 called on victims who have European passports to file lawsuits in Europe amid the obstruction of the Lebanese probe and the attempt to remove lead investigator Judge Tarek Bitar from the case.

A source from the foundation meanwhile confirmed that Accountability Now has received “dozens” of requests from individuals who want legal representation in European countries.