Lebanese are rushing to buy gold amid financial instability: report

Lebanese are rushing to buy gold amid financial instability: report


2023-03-27 | 05:17

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Lebanese are rushing to buy gold amid financial instability: report

With Lebanon and the world witnessing a financial crisis, international investors focus on gold.   

The Lebanese people and the country’s diaspora are increasingly worried about their savings in banks, as many panic given the current problems in Lebanon’s banking sector.   

This article was initially published in, translated from the Lebanese newspaper of al-Modon.

The price of an ounce of gold jumped recently, in relation to the US banking crisis, by about 10 percent, reaching its highest level in a year due to the increasing demand for it, as it is one of the safest options for stocks and currencies.   

According to al-Modon newspaper, in Lebanon, the scene seems surreal, as the Lebanese are fleeing to hedge in gold after their money was seized in Lebanese banks and their “escape” from the banks of countries that might be affected by the American banking crisis.   

The report pointed out that a tour of jewelry merchants and shops reveals the general trend of the Lebanese - residents and expatriates - as many merchants agree that the sale of gold coined has declined recently at the expense of the remarkable rise in