Lebanese govt vows reform with help of $11bn international aid package

Lebanese govt vows reform with help of $11bn international aid package

During the meeting with ISG members, President Michel Aoun said that Lebanon suffers from a significant economic contraction and faces high unemployment and poverty rates.. The virus crisis poses an unprecedented challenge for the Lebanese people, says PM. BEIRUT: The Lebanese government has called for international financial support to help it implement plans to tackle the country's crippling economic crisis.. “¢ The impact of restrictions on movement imposed to stop the spread of COVID-19 has only served to deepen the economic turmoil in Lebanon, paralyzing business activity and adding to the hardships of its people.. “¢ Lebanese prime minister says his government has pledged to carry out a complete reform program to restructure the banking sector and the budget of the Central Bank.. "We decided to conduct an audit of the Central Bank accounts for full transparency, and to strengthen our negotiating position in this difficult period in the history of Lebanon.". But the 28 team members behind JobsForLebanon.com aim to share the best of their expertise to build positive change and help potential jobseekers find work in Lebanon.. The team launched its website last month and visitors can view a video of members of the Lebanese international community encouraging