Relief in Lebanon after Launch of Saudi-French Support Fund

Relief in Lebanon after Launch of Saudi-French Support Fund

Lebanon’s political, economic and popular circles have voiced satisfaction with the launch of the Saudi-French Fund to support food security and the health sector in the country.

The joint initiative by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the French Development Agency and the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center, comes to alleviate major crises facing Lebanon, in parallel with preparations for the upcoming parliamentary elections on May 15.

Saudi Ambassador Walid Al-Bukhari, French Ambassador Anne Griot and the Director of the French Development Agency in Lebanon have signed the “Framework Memorandum of Understanding for the Saudi-French Fund to Support the Lebanese People”, which “aims to support the vulnerable population” in the country.

The agreement grants nearly 30 million euros to humanitarian and development projects.

In a speech delivered on the occasion, Al-Bukhari said that the partnership “aims to support humanitarian and relief work in Lebanon with the highest standards of transparency.”

He noted that the funding would focus on six main sectors, including food security, health, education, energy, water and internal security.

“We fulfill our obligations toward Lebanon without discriminating against its sects and groups, based on our duty of Arab brotherhood,” the Saudi ambassador stated.

The French Embassy in Lebanon said in a statement