Crypto News Recap: Oman to Regulate Crypto!

Crypto News Recap: Oman to Regulate Crypto!

The crypto markets appear the greenest it has looked in 2022 so far. While the Central Bank of Russia has proposed a full ban on cryptocurrencies last week over money laundering and terror financing fears, Oman is taking another positive approach towards the crypto sphere by inviting crypto and blockchain firms to help create a regulatory framework for all virtual assets.

Jordan on the other hand is exploring the possibilities of issuing its very own official digital currency but with a twist to it!

The government of Oman wants to regulate cryptocurrencies as the Oman financial regulator, the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) has invited crypto and blockchain firms who are interested in helping the Sultanate set up a regulatory framework for virtual assets, to submit their bids before March 23, 2022.