E-payment To Be Mandatory In Oman 2022 Onwards

E-payment To Be Mandatory In Oman 2022 Onwards

Muscat: The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion (MoCIIP) stated that effective January 1st, 2022, Oman will make it compulsory for all commercial entities to enable e-payment as an option to pay for goods in order to reduce cash in circulation and promote contactless payment. To enable this transition MoCIIP along with CBO, have ["¦]

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Muscat: The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion (MoCIIP) stated that effective January 1st, 2022, Oman will make it compulsory for all commercial entities to enable e-payment as an option to pay for goods in order to reduce cash in circulation and promote contactless payment. To enable this transition MoCIIP along with CBO, have ["¦]