Ikram package from Meethaq provides innovative facilities and products for pensioners

Ikram package from Meethaq provides innovative facilities and products for pensioners

MUSCAT – In line with its strategies to enhance financial inclusion and to provide the best Islamic Banking facilities and products, Meethaq Islamic Banking from Bank Muscat, provides Ikram package for pensioners. It is a specialized package of Shari’a compliant financing products with attractive profit rates catered towards Omani pensioners. This package, was developed after a thorough analysis of the needs of retirees from government and private sectors, and it aims to meet their specific requirements.

Sami Bait Rashid, Assistant General Manager, Retail Banking, Meethaq, said: “Ikram package was developed in line with Meethaq’s strategy which aims to meet our customers’ needs and aspirations and enhance financial inclusion for retirees. We value our customers’ feedback and actively incorporate their suggestion in developing our products and services. Meethaq’s services have seen a significant surge, notably because they align with the latest banking trends. I would like to extend our sincere appreciation for our valued customers for their continuous trust in Meethaq’s services and products.”

In commitment to innovation and providing unparalleled services and products, Meethaq has designed this package to offer a comprehensive suite of Islamic financial services. Tailored to meet the diverse needs and aspirations of retired customers. These include competitive profit