Now, start business in Oman without residency card

Now, start business in Oman without residency card

Muscat : Foreign investors in the Sultanate of Oman can now register at the Oman Business Platform even if they are in their home country or remotely and without the need for a residency card, according to the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion (MoCIIP).The Ministry added that foreign investors are allowed to own 100 per cent without the need to show a minimum capital and permits will be issued within a specific period.Investment guide service via the Oman Business Platform will help the investor to know the requirements and licenses required for more than 2,500 economic activities before practicing the activity.This service allows the foreign investor to register on the Oman Business Platform while he is in his country without the need for a residence card, and through it the investor is identified through the application of Artificial Intelligence, and a special secret number is sent to the investor that enables him to enter the platform and start his business.The process allows registration and authentication via the Oman Business Platform by logging in to 'The Non-Citizens/Non-Residents' category.The request is verified after the investor fills in the required data. The Oman Business Platform portal has information on the