RO14mn distributed among 130,000 from zakat funds in 2022

RO14mn distributed among 130,000 from zakat funds in 2022

RO14mn distributed among 130,000 from zakat funds in 2022

1 Mar 2023

Muscat – More than 130,000 people benefited from zakat funds in 2022, according to H E Dr Mohammed Said al Maamari, Minister of Endowments and Religious Affairs.

In an interview with Oman TV, H E Maamari said, “The ministry distributed about RO14mn to more than 130,000 people in 2022 from zakat funds.”

Speaking on the role of mosques in social life and society, he said that it has expanded and grown in spreading religious awareness in recent times. “There are currently 13,935 mosques in the sultanate, of which 1,770 are big ones.”

He informed that the ministry is currently working on updating the Endowment Law.

Additionally, the minister said there is no misuse of endowment funds, because Omani society is law-abiding. “It is keen to protect such funds. The National Awqaf Register is considered a national heritage by the Omani society. It is necessary to invest in endowment funds so that society can benefit from it,” H E Maamari said.