European Commission says it would triple humanitarian aid to Gaza, bringing it to about 75 million euros

  • Date: 14-Oct-2023
  • Source: Lebanon News ŌĆō LBCI News
  • Sector:Financial Markets
  • Country:Qatar
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European Commission says it would triple humanitarian aid to Gaza, bringing it to about 75 million euros


2023-10-14 | 13:26

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European Commission says it would triple humanitarian aid to Gaza, bringing it to about 75 million euros

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced on Saturday an increase in the European Union's aid to the people of Gaza to three times the current amount, totaling 75 million euros.

This comes as the region faces intensive Israeli airstrikes in response to Hamas's attack.

After holding talks with the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the President of the Commission stated, "The Commission will immediately increase the humanitarian aid package for Gaza by an amount of 50 million euros. This will raise the total to over 75 million euros."


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