Family Values Dominate Christmas Ads And John Lewis Back On Song

Family Values Dominate Christmas Ads And John Lewis Back On Song

Quite how the Christmas advert for department store John Lewis became a favourite part of the Christmas Holiday season is open to debate. It just did. And they were great, and they were emotional even for the most cynical bah humbug Christmas-denier, backed by brilliant re-workings of contemporary songs. Typically launched early and at their peak hugely anticipated, they have kick-started the festive season in the U. K. for more than a decade, perhaps the closest in peoples' minds to the Macy's holiday windows that any British retailer has achieved. And then they weren't so great. And they were formulaic, over-thought and somehow missed the mark, despite the increasingly lavish millions of dollars thrown at them. But in 2022 John Lewis is back (see advert below), leading out a set of retail commercials that take as their themes strong family and community values at a time when people are feeling under pressure and many are planning to reduce their holiday season spending. So John Lewis has shovelled the fake snow off the driveway, put the celebrities back in the box, and the merchandise opportunity-characters have gone, replaced by a stripped back Christmas ad which ultimately raises awareness of young people