Qatar exchange rate stability to be maintained: Euler Hermes

Qatar exchange rate stability to be maintained: Euler Hermes

Euler Hermes expects Qatar’s exchange rate stability to be maintained and price stability regained in 2022-2023.

The Qatari riyal is pegged at 3.64 to the dollar.

“We expect the peg to hold as the Qatar Central Bank has large foreign exchange (FX) reserves to support the currency,” Euler Hermes said and noted the currency peg has ensured relative price stability since 2010.

In 2021, however, headline consumer price inflation rose to over 6% year-on-year at the end of the year owing to base effects (deflation a year earlier), higher energy prices and global supply-chain disruptions.

“We expect these effects to be transitory and inflation to gradually fall back to around 2% at the end of 2022,” Euler Hermes said.