Arabian Pipes Co. announces its Annual Financial results for the period ending on 2023-12-31

Arabian Pipes Co. announces its Annual Financial results for the period ending on 2023-12-31

|Element List||Current Year||Previous Year||%Change|


|Gross Profit (Loss)||224.85||30.03||648.75|

|Operational Profit (Loss)||158.71||-8.59||-|

|Net profit (Loss)||132.11||-10.49||-|

|Total Comprehensive Income||131.81||-10.14||-|

|Total Share Holders Equity (After Deducting the Minority Equity)||233.12||101.31||130.1|

|Profit (Loss) per Share||13.21||-1.05|

|All figures are in (Millions) Saudi Arabia, Riyals|

|Element List||Amount||Percentage of the capital (%)|

|Profit (Losses) Resulting From The Change In Investment Propertie’s Fair Value||-||-|

|All figures are in (Millions) Saudi Arabia, Riyals|

|Element List||Explanation|

|The reason of the increase (decrease) in the sales/ revenues during the current year compared to the last year||The reason for the increase in the company’s sales in 2023 to reach 1,076.7 million is due to the company obtaining new projects and delivering projects during the year.|

|The reason of the increase (decrease) in the net profit during the current year compared to the last year is|| "The increase in the company's net profit is attributed to the following main reasons:


1-Continuously securing projects for the company's manufacturers to support production levels.

2-Improved efficiency and production in the company's factories during the past year.

3-The company's commitment to producing and delivering contracted projects during the past year.

4-The company's continued efforts to improve production costs as well as financial costs.

This led to an increase in net profit for the year 2023 compared to the previous year. The net profit for the fiscal year