Combating unexpected charges, red tape in Saudi Arabia

Combating unexpected charges, red tape in Saudi Arabia

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A Saudi lady from Al-Khobar in Saudi Arabia relates how she and her husband have often been subject to unscrupulous practices by establishments. She writes, “This does happen to me quite often but to tell you the truth it never bothered me as much as what restaurants do to us. Just two days ago, I was having dinner with my husband at a restaurant. My husband and I always have the habit of reviewing the bill, and for good reason.”

“When the bill came this time, there was an overcharge of 75 riyals. This of course is not new to us because we are used to being ripped off. And maybe that’s why we got into the habit of reviewing the bill in the first place. The idea is that these restaurants really do get away with it because they print all receipts in English.”

Another lady from Jeddah tells me of how frustrating it is when stores do not advertise their ‘return policy’ specifically when it comes to ladies’ garments. “They insist that there is nothing wrong with the dress, even though I keep telling them it does not fit. And when that finally gets through to