Crypto News Recap: 18 Percent of Saudis Trade in Crypto

Crypto News Recap: 18 Percent of Saudis Trade in Crypto

As we head into the third month of the year, February had the second-highest monthly investment in cryptocurrency history 🤑🥳! Speaking of adoption, a recent survey showed that 77% of Saudis are aware of cryptocurrencies and 18% trade in crypto.

While Russia is getting outright blocked from the international payments messaging system SWIFT and social media, there’s been a lot of chatter on how crypto continues to play a rather befuddling role in the unfolding hostility in Europe. 

Nevertheless, despite its lackluster performance, crypto is laying its foundation in every field and can no longer be ignored. To be honest the debate about the evolving role of crypto in wars is interesting to witness and we cannot help but wonder if it played a similar role in the MENA’s conflicts.