EDF and ENGIE consortium reaches financial close on Abu Dhabi’s Road Lighting LED project

EDF and ENGIE consortium reaches financial close on Abu Dhabi’s Road Lighting LED project

The Abu Dhabi Investment Office (ADIO), in collaboration with the Department of Municipalities and Transport (DMT), today announced that Phase 2 of the emirate’s energy-efficient Road Lighting LED public-private partnership (PPP) project had reached financial close.

Nojoom, a 50-50 joint venture between EDF and ENGIE, was selected to deliver this key infrastructure project in the UAE capital.

The project includes the finance, supply, installation, operation and maintenance of 133,473 LED energy-efficient luminaires in Abu Dhabi. Over the 12-year concession period, it will result in almost 2,400 million kWh of electricity savings, approximately equivalent to a 74 percent reduction in power consumption. With financial close reached, work will now commence.

Abdulla Abdul Aziz AlShamsi, Acting Director-General of ADIO, said, “Abu Dhabi continues to effectively utilise our advanced PPP framework to deliver key infrastructure projects. We congratulate EDF and ENGIE on reaching financial close on this tender, which will begin delivering significant energy reductions across Abu Dhabi’s Road lighting during the UAE’s Year of Sustainability and ahead of hosting COP28.”

Salem Al Kaabi, Director-General of Operational Affairs at the DMT, stated, “The project is an excellent example of our commitment to collaborating with private entities to deliver high-quality infrastructure projects in Abu Dhabi. We congratulate EDF