Here’s what you need to know before Tadawul trading on Wednesday

Here’s what you need to know before Tadawul trading on Wednesday

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s stock market wrapped its third straight day in green on Tuesday, despite ongoing concerns over inflation and a potential global economic slowdown. TASI, as the main index is known, was up 1.8 percent to 11,680, and the parallel Nomu market advanced by 0.5 percent to close at 20,816. Gulf markets rebounded in line with Saudi Arabia, with Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Oman, Qatar, and Kuwait all adding between 0.3 and 0.9 percent. However, the Bahraini stock exchange was flat. Outside the Gulf, the Egyptian index EGX30 extended gains as it surged 1.9 percent. In energy trading, Brent crude slightly slipped to $106.14 a barrel by 9:20 a.m. Saudi time on Wednesday and US benchmark West Texas Intermediate reached $103 a barrel. Academy of Learning seeks to pay a dividend of SR1.5 ($0.4) per share for every half-year period in 2022, 2023, and 2024 Bupa Arabia for Cooperative Insurance will distribute SR4.5 per share in cash dividends to shareholders on July 20 United Wire Factories Co., known as Aslak, recorded a 40 percent profit surge to SR42 million for the first half of 2022 End of Naqi Water’s IPO book-building Start of Saudi Networkers Services Co.’s IPO subscription End