OIC Commends Saudi Arabia’s Fundraising Campaign in Support of Palestinian People

OIC Commends Saudi Arabia’s Fundraising Campaign in Support of Palestinian People

The UAE warned on Friday that there was a risk of a regional spillover from the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza, adding that it was working "relentlessly" to secure a humanitarian ceasefire, according to Reuters.

"As we continue working to stop this war we cannot ignore the wider context and the necessity to turn down the regional temperature that is approaching a boiling point," Noura Al Kaabi, a minister of state at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told a policy conference in the UAE's capital, Abu Dhabi.

"The risk of regional spillover and further escalation is real, as well as the risk that extremist groups will take advantage of the situation to advance ideologies that will keep us locked in cycles of violence."

"Every effort must be made to protect civilians and immediately put an end to this conflict," Kaabi added.

Israel's bombardment of the Gaza Strip in its war with Hamas has angered Arab states who are concerned about sharply rising civilian casualties and Israel's blockade of the densely populated coastal enclave.

The UAE has said it planned to treat 1,000 Palestinian children from Gaza but did not clarify how they would leave the besieged enclave.

The latest war in the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict began when