Saudi Arabia, Greece Study Supplying Europe With Energy

Saudi Arabia, Greece Study Supplying Europe With Energy

Saudi Arabia and Greece began working on strategic cooperation on several issues of joint interest, including electricity generation through renewable energy and exporting electricity produced by renewable energy to Greece and Europe.

The two countries also agreed on cooperation in clean hydrogen, including low-carbon and green hydrogen, and its transfer to Europe.

The two countries issued a joint statement at the end of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's two-day visit to Greece.

The statement highlighted the importance of the memorandum of understanding signed between the two countries in the energy field. It also lauded the formation of a joint technical team in electrical interconnection and exporting electricity to Greece to make the necessary studies and start implementation accordingly as soon as possible.

The two sides agreed to enhance cooperation in the circular carbon economy approach and its technologies such as carbon capture, reuse, transfer and storage, and carbon direct air capture to reduce the effects of climate change.

They also agreed on cooperation in energy efficiency and the transfer of knowledge, experiences, and best practices in innovation and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence in the energy sector and the development of clean technologies to use hydrocarbon resources in various applications in the industrial and