Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong sign MoU for judicial cooperation

Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong sign MoU for judicial cooperation

HONG KONG — Saudi Justice Minister Walid Al-Samaani and Hong Kong's Secretary for Justice Paul Lam have signed a memorandum of understanding on judicial cooperation. This agreement, signed during their recent meeting, focuses on enhancing legal frameworks and judicial systems in both regions.Al-Samaani highlighted Saudi Arabia's legal advancements under Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, noting significant reforms in the Evidence Law, the Personal Status Law, and the Civil Transactions Law.The MoU aims to facilitate the exchange of expertise in preventive justice, judicial training, and the organization of mutual conferences and events, fostering deeper legal collaboration between Saudi Arabia and Hong Kong. — SG
Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong sign MoU for judicial cooperation