Saudi Arabia: Umrah firms pinned down on pilgrims’ rights

Saudi Arabia: Umrah firms pinned down on pilgrims’ rights

Other rights include providing escorts for groups of pilgrims until they complete Umrah rites with each group accompanied by one staff member.

Moreover, the Umrah companies are obligated to coordinate with competent state agencies in Saudi Arabia to provide services for the Umrah pilgrims during contingencies including accidents, security measures and health emergencies.

Saudi Arabia expects around 10 million Muslims from abroad to make Umrah pilgrimage during the current season.

The season began after the end of annual Islamic Hajj pilgrimage that around 1.8 million Muslims attended for the first time in three years after pandemic-related restrictions were lifted.

Muslims, who cannot physically or financially afford Hajj, go to Saudi Arabia to undertake Umrah at the Grand Mosque in Mecca.

In recent months, Saudi Arabia has unveiled a host of facilities for overseas Muslims to come to the country to do Umrah.

Muslims holding different types of entry visas such as the personal, visit and tourist visas are allowed to undertake Umrah and visit Al Rawda Al Sharifa, where the tomb of the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) is located at the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina after booking an e-appointment.

Saudi authorities have extended the Umrah visa from 30 days to 90 and allowed holders to