Saudi prince wants Wall Street to help fund $500 billion plan for a floating Silicon Valley in the desert

Saudi prince wants Wall Street to help fund $500 billion plan for a floating Silicon Valley in the desert

Executives from the Saudi crown prince’s “Neom” megaproject have invited bankers and investors to a meeting in New York next month as they try to drum up international interest in their $500 billion plan to build a high-tech hub from scratch.

Neom’s chief executive Nadhmi Al-Nasr and finance sector head Layth Al-Shaiban are scheduled to attend the event in early April, according to people familiar with the matter. Invitations were sent to private equity firms, bankers and construction suppliers for the gathering, which aims to gauge interest in the project, one of the people said. It’s potentially one of a series of events in multiple American cities, and follows a similar event in London last year, another person said.

Neom didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Announced in 2017, Neom is the crown jewel of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s program to overhaul the economy of the world’s largest oil exporter. His plans to turn the remote region on the kingdom’s northwest Red Sea coast into a high tech hub filled with robots encapsulates the major elements of his so-called “Vision 2030” to diversify away from crude, loosen social restrictions and boost investment.