Saudi: SOCPA launches certificates for financial fraud examination and public sector accounting

Saudi: SOCPA launches certificates for financial fraud examination and public sector accounting

RIYADH — The Saudi Organization for Chartered and Professional Accountants (SOCPA) announced the launch of two professional certificates in the fields of financial fraud examination and accounting standards for the public sector.

This is part of the organization’s continuing efforts to enhance integrity and transparency in regulatory agencies and various establishments in the public and private sectors. SOCPA is a professional body pioneering and overseeing the accounting and auditing profession in Saudi Arabia.

The Financial Fraud Examiner certificate aims to measure the competence of applicants who seek to obtain a financial fraud examiner certificate, and to evaluate their familiarity with the theoretical knowledge and professional skills necessary to examine fraud operations and financial investigation procedures. The certification exam covers many topics related to financial fraud such as financial statement fraud, asset misappropriation, corruption, conflicts of interest, and other types of financial fraud, in addition to combating financial fraud and advanced investigation in this field.

The categories of applicants eligible for the test also include holders of a bachelor’s degree or any higher qualification in the specializations of accounting, economics, administrative sciences, law and regulations from recognized universities and colleges, in addition to holders of professional certificates recognized by SOCPA, and fellowship certificates issued