The Saudi Exchange announces the adjusted reference price and contract size for (SNBF) adjusted due to the capital increase for the underlying (The Saudi National Bank)

The Saudi Exchange announces the adjusted reference price and contract size for (SNBF) adjusted due to the capital increase for the underlying (The Saudi National Bank)

In reference to (The Saudi National Bank) announcement on (Wednesday) 12/04/2023G of increasing its capital via bonus share.

The single stock futures’ s contract code, reference price and contract size of (SNB) contracts on (Monday) 08/05/2023G will be adjusted as following:

• Before adjustment:

Contract name - SSF reference price - SSF size

( SNBF3K ) – (49.15) – (100)

( SNBF3M ) – (49.35) – (100)

( SNBF3U ) – (50.1) – (100)

( SNBF3Z ) – (50.85) – (100)

• After adjustment:

Contract name - New contract name - SSF reference price - SSF size

( SNBF3K ) – ( SNBF3KX ) - (36.70) – (134)

( SNBF3M ) – ( SNBF3MX ) - (36.85) – (134)

( SNBF3U ) – ( SNBF3UX ) - (37.40) – (134)

( SNBF3Z ) – ( SNBF3ZX ) - (37.95) – (134)