Volunteering rates in Makkah see noticeable increase in 2023 – Saudi Gazette

Volunteering rates in Makkah see noticeable increase in 2023 – Saudi Gazette

Saudi Gazette reportMAKKAH — The Holy Capital Municipality stated that the volunteering rates in Makkah witnessed a noticeable increase and reached record levels in 2023.The total number of volunteer opportunities offered by the Municipality reached 374 volunteer opportunities, from which about 9,055 male and female volunteers benefited, with a total number of volunteer hours amounting to 32,515.5 hours. As for the satisfaction rate, it exceeded 98%.This has been accomplished through enhancing communication with society, providing necessary support for volunteering initiatives, and achieving the sustainable development goals emanating from the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.The Vision 2030 aims to encourage volunteer work, building a vibrant society, a prosperous economy, and an ambitious nation.The noticeable increase in the number of volunteers reflects the Municipality’s commitment to enhancing awareness of the importance of volunteering, providing an attractive environment for volunteers, contributing to improving the quality of life, and advancing municipal services in Makkah.The Municipality indicated that it has conducted several volunteering programs and initiatives in partnership with a number of government agencies, the Association of Neighborhood Centers in Makkah, and charitable societies.The volunteering programs and initiatives included the fields of improving the urban landscapes, removing visual distortions, removing waste, planting trees, health awareness, and social