Adopt cryptocurrency, urges government summit in Dubai

Adopt cryptocurrency, urges government summit in Dubai

Dubai: Experts at the World Government Summit Dialogues here on Tuesday discussed how cryptocurrency could be the greatest wealth trend in the world today and explained how prosperity and the future are anchored on digital economy. Brock Pierce, founder of Blockchain Capital and IGE, said governments should come on board in shaping the regulatory environment for digital currencies. He noted: "What's imperative is that we make sensible decisions when we are passing regulations, because the world is changing and we don't want to be left behind because of a decision made in haste." He added: "Nearly half of the world's billionaires now have made their money in crypto. As we live through what could be the greatest wealth trend in the history of the world, it's important to have more people participate in it," he added. Another digital expert, Denelle Dixon, CEO and executive director at Stellar Development Foundation, highlighted the role of cryptocurrency in creating access to financial tools that is not available to many people. She said: "We need to encourage central banks that issue these types of currencies not to ignore the private sector and all the work it has done to innovate. We can make the