Man says spotted whale in Dubai Harbour marina, shares video

Man says spotted whale in Dubai Harbour marina, shares video

A whale was reportedly spotted in the Dubai Harbour marina on Saturday, according to one man who spoke with Al Arabiya English after he witnessed the incident and posted a video of it online.

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The large sea creature was first seen by a yacht crew, who alerted marina staff on Sunday morning.

The United Arab Emirates coastguard was reportedly called and worked to free the cetacean along with members of the UAE Dolphin Project.

The whale was still in the marina on Saturday, but was not spotted again on Monday.

“It’s so unique. We saw some dolphins when we came to pick up one of our latest yachts and crews’ dhows, but it's rare to see something like this in the marinas,” said Jonny Dodge, owner of My Ocean Company whose crew first spotted the whale.

Marina staff directed boat traffic to avoid the whale so that it didn’t get hurt while it was in the area, Dodge said.

Dodge, 39, who has been coming to Dubai for the last 15 years, uploaded a video clip of the sea creature to Instagram.

The clip was shared by Dubai’s Crown Prince Hamdan bin Mohammed al-Maktoum,