Mohamed Bin Hadi Al Hussaini heads the UAE delegation participating in the Joint Annual Meeting of Arab Financial Institutions

Mohamed Bin Hadi Al Hussaini heads the UAE delegation participating in the Joint Annual Meeting of Arab Financial Institutions

- Minister of State for Financial Affairs: “The accelerating technological developments and the increasing competition in global markets requires us to strengthen cooperation and integration among the joint Arab financial institutions to preserve Arab interests”

- "The Ministry of Finance is keen to participate in these meetings to exchange visions and develop plans, to consolidate the Arab region’s position and boost the economies of its countries,” said Minister of State for Financial Affairs

His Excellency Mohamed Bin Hadi Al Hussaini, Minister of State for Financial Affairs, headed the UAE delegation participating in the joint annual meeting of Arab Financial Institutions, which takes place today in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. In attendance were Arab finance and economy ministers, governors of Arab central banks, heads of Arab finance institutions, and a number of representatives of regional and international organisations, as well as financial and economic experts.

The UAE delegation included H.E. Khaled Mohammed Balama, Governor of the Central Bank of the UAE (CBUAE), H.E. Younis Haji Al Khoori, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance (MoF), and a number of senior officials and financial experts from MoF and CBUAE.

His Excellency Mohamed Bin Hadi Al Hussaini noted the importance of these meetings as a leading Arab platform to