PLUGIN, a true decentralisation can be achieved with its Oracles

PLUGIN, a true decentralisation can be achieved with its Oracles

Today's world is completely dominated by the concept of centralization in all sectors with banking being the major amongst it. Though, centralization gives us a secure feeling that our data and assets are being maintained by trusted and reliable entities, in reality it is the other way around in many cases. Centralization takes away the complete control from the users to one particular entity which poses a very high security risk at times. To overcome the issues with security and to provide a trusted and reliable system we are at a stage to shift the gear towards decentralization. This will provide an environment which is not controlled by any single authority but a collective group of entities which ensures to provide a high level of security and shifts complete control of data from a centralized authority back to one or more trusted entities. This gives birth to new applications which are called Decentralized finance aka DeFi. Blockchain technology is not just about bitcoin to deal with crypto assets but in reality it has the capability to transform businesses with the advent of smart contract based blockchain frameworks like XinFin and Ethereum. An ideal example of this is the DeFi space