UAE retirement plans: It is possible to enjoy retirement with the little income you earn now

UAE retirement plans: It is possible to enjoy retirement with the little income you earn now

There have been several who have posed the question - Can I enjoy my retirement years on a minimal salary, and how then can I secure a financial future for myself? The answer experts give is simple - As long as you are not cutting it way too close to your retirement, you are not too late to enjoy your future retirement years. Financial advisers often say people usually aren't starting to save for retirement until their late 30s and early 40s anyway, so if you are well within that age range, then well and good, you're on track with many others like you. However, hope is not lost for those who are older and have still not begun planning or saving for retirement. If you are between 55 and 64 years old, you still have time to boost your retirement savings, several studies have indicated. Whether you plan to retire early, late, or never ever, having an adequate amount of money saved can make all the difference, both financially and psychologically. It is all about how you plan to go about it at this moment in time, rather than later. So, whatever be your age, to create a secure