12,000 UAE firms notified to hire Emiratis in 2024, 2025

12,000 UAE firms notified to hire Emiratis in 2024, 2025

As of January 2025, a yearly financial contribution will be imposed on companies that fail to meet their requirements in 2024, amounting to Dh96,000 for each UAE citizen not hired. Meanwhile, a financial contribution of Dh108,000 will be imposed in January 2026 for the year 2025. Companies will be able to pay their due contributions in instalments, in agreement with MoHRE.

This step is expected to create around 12,000 jobs annually for UAE nationals in 2024 and 2025 in various vital economic sectors, to complement and consolidate the Emiratisation file, which is a top priority for the UAE Government.

This Resolution comes in addition to Emiratisation targets for companies with 50 or more employees that are required to achieve a two per cent Emiratisation growth in skilled jobs.