235 participants successfully complete 5th cohort of Ma’an’s Community Financial Literacy Awareness Programme

235 participants successfully complete 5th cohort of Ma’an’s Community Financial Literacy Awareness Programme

- Ghaya initiative designed to improve community members’ financial literacy, ensure financial stability and facilitate volunteering opportunities

- Over five cohorts, the programme trained a total of 725 individuals

Abu Dhabi: The Authority of Social Contribution – Ma’an hosted a virtual graduation ceremony for the fifth cohort of the Ghaya Financial Literacy Programme, an innovative social initiative to improve personal-finance skills of community members. The initiative was launched in 2020 in partnership with the Abu Dhabi Global Market Academy (ADGMA), and the London Institute of Banking & Finance (LIBF), and in collaboration with the SSA. The programme is now operated by the Emirates Association of Accountants and Auditors (AAA) and supported by the Department of Community Development (DCD).

The programme was delivered by 25 volunteers, who were honoured for playing an instrumental role in driving change in the community and building a financially healthier society through educating and guiding the participants.

The programme saw 235 citizens and residents enroll in its fifth cohort, who were also congratulated by officials at the ceremony. The participants included the nominees of Abu Dhabi Social Support Authority (SSA), Abu Dhabi government employees with less than five years’ work experience registered throughAbu Dhabi School of Government (ADSG), the Human