‘A new wave of crypto adoption will be driven by real-use cases’: Swissborg’s Anthony Lesoismier

‘A new wave of crypto adoption will be driven by real-use cases’: Swissborg’s Anthony Lesoismier

Dubai: Has the ‘crypto winter’ chill receded just a bit? Some streaks of sunshine have burst through, with Bitcoin prices making some gains from near doldrums. Even then, the decisive full-fledged turnaround is yet to emerge. In a parallel world, more crypto trade exchanges have come under scrutiny, brought on by their own excesses. And FTX’s fallout is still a painful echo for the industry, with investors feeling the pain acutely. So, which of the cues should crypto investors take? Faith that Bitcoin and others will recover, eventually. Or be spooked forever by FTX into staying far away from crypto? Anthony Lesoismier is co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer at SwissBorg, the crypto platform. In an interview, he gives an unvarnished update on where the market stands – and what investors, current and future, should be on the watch out for. Asset price formation is not binary; it does not go up and down in straight lines. Asset prices tend to follow clear trends for certain periods, followed by periods of uncertainty and indecision. Markets do not switch instantly from light to darkness. Instead, price formation behaviour can be seen as a switch with three positions - bearish, indecisive, and bullish.