China, Europe should unite, says Chinese Premier Li

China, Europe should unite, says Chinese Premier Li

China, Europe should unite, says Chinese Premier LiWORLDMiddle EastAfricaIndian Sub-continentChina and Asia Pacific UK and EuropeAmericasRussiaECONOMYGlobalGCCAfricaLevantNorth AfricaISLAMIC ECONOMYIslamic FinanceIslamic BusinessIslamic Finance ReportsIslamic Finance GlossaryBUSINESSAviationBanking & InsuranceCareersEducationEnergyFintechHealthcareHospitalityManufacturingReal EstateRetail & ConsumerTechnology and TelecomTransport and LogisticsTravel and TourismSMEsFinance MarketingTechnologyLegalPeopleMARKETSCommoditiesCurrenciesEquitiesFixed IncomeWEALTHAlternative InvestmentsFundsWealth ManagementSustainabilityLEGALCrime and SecurityImmigrationPolicy RegulationsLIFECultureEntertainmentFoodHealthLeisure & TravelSportsOPINIONBusiness InsightsPROJECTSBRIConstructionIndustryMiningOil & GasUtilitiesSPECIAL COVERAGERamadan and Eid 2023COP 28: Talking Climate in UAEUAE Realty MarketThe Future of CryptosFocus: Global Wealth FundsRussia-Ukraine CrisisMULTIMEDIAGalleriesVideosPRESS RELEASE Companies NewsGovernment NewsPeople in the NewsResearch & StudiesEvents and ConferencesAfrica Press ReleasesAsia Press ReleasesHome page>PROJECTS>BRI>China, Europe should uni...PHOTOBEIJING - China and Europe should unite and provide stability admist global uncertainties, Chinese Premier Li Qiang said on Saturday in India.Li told European Union Commission President Ursula von der Leyen at the sidelines of the G20 summit in New Delhi that he hopes the EU can provide a non-discriminatory environment for Chinese firms to operate in Europe.In a statement released by the Chinese foreign ministry on Sunday after the meeting, Li also said that China is willing to strengthen dialogue and cooperation with EU in clean energy and green finance.(Reporting by Yew Lun Tian; Editing by Michael Perry)Disclaimer: The content of this article is syndicated or provided to this website from an external third party provider. We