DIFC hosts world’s 1st finance summit dedicated to advancing COP28 agenda – Gulf Today

DIFC hosts world’s 1st finance summit dedicated to advancing COP28 agenda – Gulf Today

A panel discussion is under way a the Dubai International Financial Centre in Dubai.

Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), the leading global financial centre in the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia (MEASA) region, hosted the world’s first finance summit dedicated to advancing the COP28 climate action agenda in the global finance industry.

As part of the DIFC-hosted Global Ethical Finance Initiative’s Path to COP28 programme, over 500 industry professionals attended the first in a series of summits serving as a platform to drive proactive action in the finance industry to lead the charge on climate change and be at the forefront of accelerating the green transition. The event featured an A-list line-up of speakers and attendees from leading investment firms, banks, policymakers, and financial service providers to discuss COP28 priorities for the sector and how to implement best practice decision-making across their organisations.

The summit was chaired