Dubai Customs makes waves with triple certification triumph

Dubai Customs makes waves with triple certification triumph

Dubai –  In line with Dubai government's commitment to embrace global best practices, elevate work quality, and achieve institutional excellence, Dubai Customs has achieved a noteworthy milestone. The government department has secured the ISO 37000:2021 Governance Management Standard certification by adhering to the highest standards and principles of effective governance. Additionally, it recently announced the acquisition of two more certifications: ISO 30414:2018 for the Internal and External Human Capital Reporting System and ISO 56002:2019 for the Innovation Management System. This brings the total number of applied standards within the department to 17, underscoring its leadership in implementing quality and institutional excellence practices. During the ninth Dubai Customs Week, H.E. Ahmed Mahboob Musabih, Director General of Dubai Customs, CEO of Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation, received the Governance Management certificate from Nizar Bashaireh, the CEO of Global Business Bureau. Musabih expressed satisfaction, emphasizing that Dubai Customs' recent achievements in obtaining new certifications with international standards for sound governance reflect its vision to enhance Dubai's global leadership in customs strategies, aligning with global standards and the Dubai Government Excellence (DGE) program. This solidifies Dubai's reputation as the best city for living and working, showcasing continuous success in facilitating business practices. The accreditation was granted