Dubai: Metaverse is the rebirth of the Internet, says Meta chief

Dubai: Metaverse is the rebirth of the Internet, says Meta chief

Metaverse is the rebirth of the Internet, and people who are using it tend to choose avatars where they look much younger and slimmer, said Nick Clegg, President of Global Affairs, Meta.

Many big players such as Apple, Microsoft, ByteDance and others have announced plans to go big in the metaverse. In fact, some of the UAE entities have also forayed into the metaverse.

“For the last year, I have been holding my weekly meetings on Monday with my team around the world in the metaverse in a product called 'Workrooms'. Everybody looks suspiciously about 20 years younger and several pounds lighter, that's the avatars that people tend to choose,” he said during the World Government Summit on Tuesday.

“But once you have the headset on and you're talking to people, you feel you're breathing the same air in the same room because the audio technologies have advanced so much that as if someone is sitting to your right and left and a couple of meters across a large meeting a large conference table. I would urge those who have not experienced it to experience it. You will get an insight into not only what is possible now, but what will be possible