Dubai workshop explores ways to enhance emirate’s global standing as woman-friendly city

Dubai workshop explores ways to enhance emirate’s global standing as woman-friendly city

Dubai: With the participation of several government departments in Dubai, the Dubai Women Establishment (DWE) organised a workshop on ‘Dubai, a Woman-Friendly City’, intending to exchange ideas about initiatives that enhance Dubai’s global position as a woman-friendly city. The workshop came within the framework of the implementation of the strategic plan of DWE 2023-2027, which includes new projects to achieve the vision contained in this strategy, represented in ‘Dubai, a global model for women-friendly cities’. DWE will provide incubators and accelerators for creative ideas, conduct research and studies that help identify women’s needs and aspirations, ensure the implementation of supportive policies and legislations that contribute to supporting women’s social and professional lives, while enhancing their quality of life and creating attractive future opportunities for them. During the workshop, the attendees were briefed on a presentation on the project, its goals and strategic directions, the concept of women-friendly cities, and models for these cities worldwide, such as Vienna, Seoul and Montreal, in addition to internationally recognised women-friendly practices. The presentation also included the existing practices that are available in the UAE, which can be invested in and strengthened through new initiatives that position Dubai amongst women-friendly cities, especially since this goal