Europe races to prepare for energy crunch this winter – Reuters

Europe races to prepare for energy crunch this winter – Reuters

BERLIN/PARIS, Sept 19 (Reuters) - European governments outlined new measures on Monday to cope with potential energy shortages this winter and raced to improve energy networks to share power, with Russian gas flows still running at severely reduced rates amid the Ukraine war.

Germany said it was expecting to sign liquefied natural gas (LNG) contracts in the United Arab Emirates. With the major Nord Stream 1 pipeline to Russia shut, it is planning to build new LNG terminals to ship in gas, while European partners Spain and France were also working on contingency plans. read more

"If everything goes well, savings in Germany are high and we have a bit of luck with the weather, we ... have a chance at getting through the winter comfortably," Economy Minister Robert Habeck said after a tour of a future LNG terminal in Lubmin in northern Germany.