Geopolitics and the Greater Maghreb Security Complex in Times of Financial Distress – The Jamestown Foundation

Geopolitics and the Greater Maghreb Security Complex in Times of Financial Distress – The Jamestown Foundation

The emir of Qatar went to Tunisia, the regional country in which Doha likely has the most significant leverage ( AnsaMedInfo , February 25).. The Qatari emir also went to Algeria and despite some ongoing problems-the most notable being the Ooredo issue-on more strategic and regional issues the countries seemed to be on the same page ( The Arab Weekly , February 23, The Peninsula (Qatar) , February 25). In March, the UAE-led "Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies" organized the first consultative forum for scholars from Sahel countries in Nouakchott under the patronage of the Mauritanian presidency ( Emirates News Agency , March 12).. The two countries also coordinated a response to deal with this crisis ( Al-Mashhad Al-Araby , March 4; Emirates News Agency , March 30).. , for Gulf countries, the financial crisis will be even more significant given the ongoing price wars that are bringing the global demand for energy, already in freefall because of the coronavirus impact, to a total standstill.. The economic crisis is also likely to shake the social fabric and economic foundations of Maghrebi countries, whose health systems are weak and socio-economic stability are already undermined by years of