Global recession risks rise again: Should you move your investments? UAE experts weigh in

Global recession risks rise again: Should you move your investments? UAE experts weigh in

Dubai: People saw their investments lose 30 per cent or more of their values during the financial crisis of 2008 and the great recession that followed. Even though there have been ensuing threats of more such recessions worldwide, they haven’t played out as bad as it’s often made out to be. Now, a similar new risk has risen again. New polls of global economists, conducted by media giants like Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal, and investment bank Goldman Sachs, pegged the chance of a recession in 2023 at between 60 per cent and 70 per cent. But is there cause for real concern? “The current risk of a global recession can be alarming to any investor, especially when it comes to what needs to be done when it comes to his or her investments,” said Brody Dunn, an investment manager at a UAE-based asset advisory firm. “However, as investors often end up regretting when they take panic-driven investment decisions, any move should be made cautiously. Historically, those who hold on to their investments through recessions see their portfolios completely recover, and those who don't invest at all lose out.” So while stock markets worldwide usually tank — or at the