India rupee drops to 21.39/Dh and setting up a busy week for NRI remittances

India rupee drops to 21.39/Dh and setting up a busy week for NRI remittances

Dubai: The Indian rupee has slipped further to 21.38/21.39 levels to the dirham, thus setting up opportunity gains for UAE’s Indian expats awaiting their monthly salary crediting. The overnight currency exchange rate was at 21.21/21.22, but that will change early today as the rupee sees more pressure build up. If the same trends persist, the rupee could be looking at 21.42/21.43 over the next two days. According to FX sources, the rupee is not alone in this relative drop, with the euro and the pound too retreating against the dollar. And there are many who now see the rupee hitting 22 to the dirham within weeks rather than in a more gradual manner. It was on May 9 that the rupee slipped past the 21 level. “The pressure is not going away as long as worries remain about inflation and what this could do to India’s growth chances,” said an analyst. “The stress on the rupee would have been even higher if not for the discounted oil imports India is getting from Russia.” According to local exchange houses, the remittance volumes for the rupee has been steady through the month, with Indian expats reckoning that 21+ to a dirham will